Sunday, November 17, 2013


Welcome to the Guess My Word blog. This is a place to discuss the words of the day chosen by Joon and Mike. This paragraph is here mostly as spoiler space. Here are today's words:

mike's word: agrarian
joon's word: guttural



  1. Not my day with this game--I had to bail on both words. On Joon's I tried spelling the word "gutteral" and couldn't imagine why it wasn't considered a word--it never crossed my mind to even attempt spelling it with a u instead of an e. And on Mike's, I had "agra" and couldn't come up with anything that began with those letters. Of course I know the word "agrarian," I just couldn't think of it. Am I the only one who can't think of words that I actually do know? Sometimes on this game it feels that way...

    1. Today was a double failure for me, too. I do know both words, although I couldn't think of agrarian while playing the game -- and yes, I did think of gutteral but couldn't spell it!

      The failure to call up words which I know seems to happen with some frequency. I also have a bad habit of asking, "What comes between 'was' and 'with'?" or "What comes between 'saw' and 'sit'?" without seeing all the wh words or sc words!
