Wednesday, November 30, 2011


mike's word: jurisprudence
joon's word: micturate



  1. What a surprise to hit on joon's word like that... And then I had to get stuck on Mike's--jury, juried....couldn't come up with an in-between!

  2. Funny, I had MICTURITION at guess 15 but floundered around to get the verb form at 18. Oh well.

    OTOH, for Mike's word, I was looking for a JUR- word and just knew it wouldn't be a simple JURY or JUROR. It had to be a five-dollar one, so I opted for JURISPRUDENCE and presto. I'm starting to think like Joon and/or Mike, I think.

  3. odd; i could have sworn i used jurisprudence as my own word some time in the early days of GMW, and i'm pretty sure that repeats are not allowed. so i was quite hesitant to guess that.

  4. Mike is sneaky; he throws short, ordinary words in there sometimes and stumps everyone!
