Tuesday, November 15, 2011


mike's word: oubliette
joon's word: lubricious



  1. Well, that was a tough day. I whiffed on both words. Never heard of Joon's word. I think I've heard of Mike's, but wouldn't have come up with it.

  2. Today, Joon's word was nice, but Mike's was a stone-crusher! I was *certain* that I had an "AHA!" win at guess ten with OUD, but no. It took a good 8 minutes of headscratching to get in between OTTER and OUCH. Not a bad day, it says here.

  3. [I forget the norm here. May we even hint at the solutions here, on the assumption that people do the puzzle first?]

  4. nobody should be reading the comments before they try the words, so don't worry about spoilers.

    i also whiffed on mike's word (ottoman/ouch). i feel like i've heard that word, but i thought it was some kind of napkin (maybe i'm thinking of layette?).

  5. I knew what Mike's word was, but it took three or four tries to get the spelling right. It's the title of an X-Files episode, which is how I knew it.

  6. I'll admit that Mike's word is one of those that I know exist in principle, but which I have never "used in a sentence," as Mrs. Rappaport used to demand of us. Kind of like PORTMANTEAU, for example.

  7. I know Mike's word, but it certainly did not cross my mind, though I typed oub-- and sat looking at that for a while. I would have defined it as 'a pit used as a midden or latrine,' so I was off on the precise meaning, besides not coming up with it.

    Joon, 'serviette' is considered a lower-class term for napkin (Brit.) A 'layette' is a new infant's kit--diapers, nighties, blanket, cap, and so forth. It's rather out of style nowadays, I would say.
