Saturday, May 25, 2013


Welcome to the Guess My Word blog. This is a place to discuss the words of the day chosen by Joon and Mike. This paragraph is here mostly as spoiler space. Here are today's words:

mike's word: starboard
joon's word: discreet



  1. I suppose one could be CREET and complain about another "looks-like-a-usual-prefix-word-but-isn't", but it is a holiday weekend, so we should do the opposite. ;>)

  2. The 31 words surrounding joon's word range from DISCOVERABLE to DISCRETIONARY. 291 words start with the same 4 letters. 23 words start with the same 6 letters. There are 1655 dis- words.

    The 31 words surrounding Mike's word range from STAPH to STARCHY. 99 words start with the same 4 letters. 6 words start with the same 5 letters.

  3. For a second I thought that "disword" was a word!
