Friday, April 6, 2012


Welcome to the Guess My Word blog. This is a place to discuss the words of the day chosen by Joon and Mike. This paragraph is here mostly as spoiler space. Here are today's words:

mike's word: interdiction
joon's word: crotchety



  1. Goodness! Both words took forever to close in on. Losing my touch.

  2. I am CROTCHETY because I refuse to plow through the muck in between INTERACT and INTERLOPER. There is nothing clever in doing that, and I like clever puzzles.

    1. your opinion, of course, but i can't understand it. there are plenty of interesting words starting with inter-, including "interesting" itself. not all of them have any obvious semantic connection to the idea of betweenness.

    2. Sure, we can have different opinions ("...can haz difrunt opiƱons"?); it's what makes life interesting. Still, I do have Elaine's take on this one. Clearly there are lots of inter+ words that aren't just prefix glosses; it's just a tedious slog through them, IMHO.

      [And isn't there a semantic reference to "betweenness" implicit in INTERDICTION, anyway?]

  3. It's just that there are SO many possibilities; it just becomes a slog and generally a matter of luck.

    1. i still don't understand. before you make your first guess, there are even more possibilities. or, let's say that after a few guesses, you narrow it down to something beginning with s. there are way more words that begin with s than words that begin with inter-. what makes inter- words a slog and/or a matter of luck? in general i feel like the inter- words are only barely more related to each other than the s-words.

      is it the idea that it's taken you (say) 10 guesses to narrow it down to inter-, and then you realize like you're still pretty far from guessing it?
